Sunday, May 6, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Mom went into the hospital today. She has been having problems in her gut with pain and constipation, so the doctor decided to admit her to stabilize her symptoms. We are pleased with this because they will give her more help than she could get at home. Hopefully they will get her gut working again and her pain will go away. He is guessing that she will go home after the weekend. Dad and I were with her today, and the doctors and nurses are very kind and helpful. Mom had an xray today and will have a CAT scan tomorrow, but in the meantime they are working on making her comfortable. She has had trouble eating and drinking, so a dietician will work with her again once her gut starts feeling better. A bowel obstruction might still be a possibility.

We ask for your prayers, that mom would feel comfortable. She was in a lot of pain today. Pray that she would be able to sleep tonight, and that she would soon start to feel better. And pray that she would feel God's presence close to her. It is her birthday next week, so obviously she would like to be feeling better for that.

She is in Victoria Hospital, on Floor C7. She is not up for lots of visitors yet, I think, but I could be wrong about that. 

Thanks for loving and supporting her,

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