Sunday, May 6, 2012

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Mom had lots of visitors on the weekend.

AJ, Ella, and Mina hop in bed with Grandma. 
Outside for a walk! The weather is beautiful! 
Peter, Sandra, AJ, Ella, and Mina Visscher.
Outside in the healing garden. There is a rock garden, and
people can paint rocks as prayers for their loved ones.
 Mina, holding some painted rocks. Grandma wants her grandkids
 to paint some. We'd better bring some paint and brushes!
Mom has been salivating over everyone's food since they put her
on a clear liquid diet. Finally someone brought her a sandwich!
 And she's going to eat it (well, an ovarian-cancer-sized portion). 
Marianne and Cohen came to visit!
He gets tickle time with Grandma!
And story time with his Aunt Tanya and Aunt Wilma (Mom's sister). 

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