Sunday, May 6, 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thanks for praying for Mom (Tina) last night. She is MUCH more comfortable today. The nurses and doctors are taking really good care of her. Unfortunately, the news today was not good. They did find a bowel obstruction. This is as a result of the progression of the disease, and surgery is not recommended. Mom is in the later stages of this disease. However, they are able to manage the symptoms well in the hospital.

Mom is determined to be home for her birthday. And she would like to be well for Harmony and Marco's visit in June. These are things you can pray for! There are many unknowns right now, but we do know that God is with us through sickness or health. 

Mom has access to email now (though her outgoing mail is not working tonight), so if you wish to email them, don't hesitate. There is a possibility she is moving rooms tomorrow.

Thanks for your prayers!

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