As I think back over the last number of weeks I feel so blessed and thankful. My cup run runs over.
Psalm 23:5
You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
First of all I'm so thankful that the medications I'm on have stabilized my condition. I realize this is not a long term solution but for now I can enjoy life comfortably.
I feel so blessed that Bert is so there for me - that's a love that goes deep. Ok, so he gets to see me at my best but also those other times which I won't go into but you know what I mean.
I'm so thankful that all of my children and grandchildren are now around me and we're able to spend quality family time together. I'm so thankful for my siblings - we have made it a priority to spend quality time together and it's been really fun!
I'm thankful for the wonderful birthday I was able to celebrate - my 65th - way overboard, but such fun - the flowers, the balloons, the bird show, people dropping in, the birthday cards - I felt so loved!
Mom and the baby lamb on her birthday |
And I'm thankful for a wheelchair - now I can really go on outings without having to tire myself all out. We're hoping to visit the Toronto Zoo in the next few weeks and I'll be able to roll along!
But best of all, I'm finding that it's not the big ticket items that thrill me, but it's the relational things that bring such great joy. Watching the grandchildren at play, listening to them, clowning around a bit, spending time with each of our kids, reminiscing over pictures, having time to do some projects, visiting with special friends, you get the picture.
When all else is stripped away, we still have each other. As 1 Cor. 13 says "And now these 3 remain: faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is love." That is certainly my experience right now.
And so I am thankful again today.
Lupins in Mom's garden - she's always wanted to grow them and this year they bloomed! |
A rhubarb pie Mom and Aunt Wilma made together, with some help from a friend! They ate this on their siblings outing to Stratford. |
Sparkly toes. |
"Grandma, can I have toes like that?" |
To the greenhouse with sisters (and cousin Wina). |
Baby Owen, here from New Zealand. |
Tina, I love your Thankful Words!!! We should all take this to heart and express each day what we are thankful for. You are so right, it's not all about the big spalashy things but the simple squeals and laughs of children and quiet and sometimes loud times with family and friends. I am thankful for a friend who gently reminded us of this.