Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Harmony's Home!

Well, Mom now has all six of her kids and all her grandkids within driving distance of her! Harmony and Marco and their three kids arrived very late Sunday night. On Monday afternoon, most of us wandered over to Sandra and Peter's house where they are staying. It wasn't planned, but more and more of us asked Sandra if we could drop by to see them. So in the end, most of us were together for an impromptu barbeque! Sandra had been planning to make spaghetti for supper, which changed to chili as more people wanted to come, and then hotdogs and hamburgers. Harmony can't get (Canadian) hotdogs in New Zealand, so she was pretty happy with this.

Harmony and Mom. Hugs to be together again - New Zealand is so far away!

And hugs for Kelsey and Morgan  (and the other grandkids) too!

Hugs for Morgan!

Peter and Sandra have a trailer on their property where Harmony and Marco can stay.
It is really nice. They even have lounging chairs, which are great for
relaxing on after almost 24 hours of travelling the day before. 

Mom got to meet Owen, Harmony's new baby, for the first time. It was an emotional moment.

The kids (cousins) played and played and played.

Kelsey likes her cousin AJ. She followed him around wherever he went.
He is very patient with his girl cousin!

The guys went for a quick canoe ride before supper (of course!).

Lining up for hotdogs and hamburgers.

Harmony finally gets some hotdogs! She threatened to eat nothing but
hotdogs and drink rootbeer once she got here. So far, so good!

James isn't certain about sharing Grandma with this new cousin.

I got to hold Owen too. I went there when he was just a few weeks old. My, has he changed!

We had a great afternoon, just being together. These are blessings that we do not
 take for granted. We don't know what Mom's journey will be in the
next weeks and months, but we do know that we are blessed to be together. 

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful to read about the family getting together -everyone! Wow. Enjoy and savour this time together. Your family is never far from my thoughts. spot
